March 02, 2008

Grace and Peace

Rob Bell is doing a one year series on the book of Philippians at Mars Hill. We are currently still in the first chapter. So far the focus has been on grace and peace.

Each Sunday as we leave I feel as though that message was specifically designed for me to hear in that exact moment and hope that someone else was able to connect with it as well despite the deep connection it had with me personally.

I am realizing how rich my life is, how beautiful my story is.

I just got off of the phone with my mom. We discussed my ongoing back pain and she gave me her opinion of what to do, we discussed Bethany, and we laughed. We laughed a lot.

Earlier I talked to Pam. She was calm. Her dad was over this weekend and helped her get organized in her home. She has an appointment with a doctor that specializes in her disease.

Nicole is going to Indian Trails Camp this summer. Tony and I did some research on it, and when she came over we told her about it and she was excited. But she had already heard about it and later we found out that the school had made arrangements so she can go- and it was already paid for.

There is still pain, but beautiful things are happening. Amazing, unexpected, undeserved, long awaited, truly good things are happening.

Grace and Peace


Blogger Charity said...

I really like reading what you have to share. Thanks for sharing.

We miss you.

10:16 PM

Blogger Suz said...

I soooo wish I lived close enough to YOUR church to hear Rob Bell on a regular basis. He also speaks directly to me. :) I miss our kitchen chats...hope all is well with you and your honey.

12:07 PM


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